App Security Empowers Overseas Game Operations

According to an industry analysis report, the global mobile game market size is expected to reach $116.4 billion in 2023, of which overseas markets account for nearly 70%. In overseas markets, mature markets such as the United States, Japan, and South Korea are still the main sources of revenue, while emerging markets such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America are growing rapidly. 2024033102.png

Medium and heavy games are performing strongly overseas, with strategy, role-playing, and shooting games being popular. Casual games are popular with players, but the market competition is fierce. High-quality games are more popular, and the excellence in game content, gameplay, art, and other aspects has become key.

To stand out in the highly competitive overseas game market, game products need to be competitive enough. It is crucial to carry out differentiated operations and localization adjustments for players with different regional, language, and cultural backgrounds. At the same time, using data analysis tools to understand player behavior and needs and optimize the game experience is also key to success. 2024033103.jpg However, overseas game apps face many security risks, such as account theft, password leakage, in-game payment fraud, and unauthorized charges. The leakage and loss of player personal information and game data are also issues that cannot be ignored.

Shenzhen Tiantianwan Company, as a professional overseas mobile game publisher, is committed to providing professional operation services for a wide range of game manufacturers. The company is based on products, with operation as the core and service as the purpose. It has a complete distribution process and working mode.

To ensure App security and improve App developer efficiency, Tiantianwan Company has configured Dingxiang App Security for its distributed games. This reinforcement technology can perform security checks on existing applications, discover and fix risk vulnerabilities in applications, and protect sensitive data, code obfuscation, code integrity, memory data, etc. It can prevent system vulnerabilities from affecting application security from the source and effectively prevent data information from leaking. After App security, the machine audit pass rate is increased, attracting more players to download.

Through Dingxiang App Security technology, Tiantianwan Company has provided solid security guarantees for overseas game operations, helping game developers achieve greater success in overseas markets. It provides a solid security guarantee for overseas game operations and provides comprehensive operation support for game manufacturers, providing strong support for improving the competitiveness and market share of game products.

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